Saturday, November 10, 2007

Veterans Day

Sunday, November 11, is Veterans Day. We continue to thank God for the men and women who have served and are serving in the military. As we remember their sacrifice, please keep them in your prayers. Also pray for the following soldiers in active service who have a personal connection with our congregation.
Danny, Rodney Paul, Eric, Sheila, Trevor, Brian, Tim, Nancy, Joseph, and David
If you would like to send a card or letter to an active serviceman, please contact the church office. We would be happy to connect you to someone in our church. Also, you might be interested in a free program by Xerox where they send a postcard to a soldier on your behalf.

Finally, the VHS National Honor Society is sponsoring a ceremony and reception to honor veterans and those actively serving in the military. On Monday, November 12th, all veterans and family and friends of veterans are invited to the Vernon High School Gym at 9:00 am.

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