Misti Jacobs, Community Relations Coordinator for Victory Field, sent us a e-mail about the current situation. This is provided for our volunteers and for your information.
VFCA got a lot of bad press last week after the Corrections Committee meeting on Wednesday that made several staff and community members uneasy. I have been out of the office due to mandatory meetings and training. I did not have all of your email addresses to send an update to you prior to now. What I can tell you right now is that VFCA is not closing. However, that does not mean we may not have programming changes as needed in the future. We have been told since the beginning of the legislature sessions this past spring that TYC would have to streamline services which could result in the operation of facilities at a lesser capacity or closure. These decisions were to be based on several factors including an independent risk management assessment, an ACA assessment, and personal visits from Ms. Pope (acting Executive Director) and other Central Office staff. These assessments are taking place at EVERY facility.
My understanding is that in the Committee meeting in Austin last Wednesday, Will Harrell (Ombudsman), was asked if there were any other facilities in poor condition like the contract facility Coke County that was closed several weeks ago. He stated VFCA was in his opinion one of the "most inadequate facilities" among other negative comments to the press after the meeting. He visited VFCA in late August on a nonschool day and a platoon who was actively being defiant that day and refusing to do daily chores. Mr. Harrell's job is to look for all of the "bad stuff" at any facility to make sure the problems are recognized and corrected to provide a safe and appropriate environment for TYC youth. He is not hired by TYC and is independent of TYC. He has no direct authority regarding TYC. He simply makes visits to the facilities and expresses his findings. Mr. Brooks promptly responded to Mr. Harrell's complaints with evidence to document why things were the way they were. For example, Mr. Harrell and the newspaper reported we have blind spots on the dorms (in regards to security cameras) and poor radios. We know that. We have sent requests for additional camera equipment and updated radios several times and the completion of these projects was put on hold for reasons in Central Office. It's frustrating to hear someone like Mr. Harrell degrade our facility, staff, and programs. However, it's one man's opinion based on limited knowledge.
One thing to understand, Houston families have ALWAYS been against Victory Field because they did not like their children being placed so far away. If anything was ever said that our facility was inadequate, they will run with it. If you read the variety of articles Thursday, the Houston Chronicle was the most degrading toward VFCA. The Austin Statesmen was more balanced in reporting that Ms. Pope defended our facility based on her visit a few weeks earlier that Mr. Harrell (several of you were there). Then, you probably saw the article with Mr. Hardcastle regarding all of this reassuring that there would not be a swift closure of VFCA.
Bottom line is that we have not received any indication that we are closing. Ms. Pope's Chief of Staff and several other team members came to the facility Thursday and Friday and gave us a good review. An audit team will be here later this week for several days. The important thing to remember is that all facilities are undergoing these assessments. We have not been singled out. What I have heard is the most destructive part of any of these reviews of VFCA are staff, volunteers, and community members saying negative things about the facility, administration, and programming. I am not referring to true problems which need to be addressed with no question, but simple and ongoing petty complaining and negative attitudes toward TYC. We should all be working on the premise that "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" regarding general thoughts about VFCA and TYC. There are several staff, volunteers, and community members that are faithful and dedicated to helping these young men make choices for a better life regardless of where they have been.
We all need to stay focused on what's best for the youth and keep moving forward. If I ever hear anything as important as the facility was closing, I would personally be on the phone to you to keep you posted and advising you what you can do as a volunteer. The staff and youth continue to need your support. Please pass this on to your volunteer groups. Thanks for everything you do! Have a great day!
Misti Jacobs
Community Relations Coordinator
Victory Field Correctional Academy