Sunday (9-16)
- 9:00 am - A time of Prayer for our Worship
- 9:30 am - Sunday School classes
- 10:50 am - Worship
- 7:00 pm - Pastor’s Bible Study, Parlor
Monday (9-17)
- 7:00 pm - Troop 87, Staub Hall
- 12:00 noon - PW Luncheon, Staub Hall
- 3:30 pm - Webelos 1, Hodsden, Staub Hall
- 6:00 pm - Den Leader’s Meeting, Staub Hall
- 7:00 pm - Session Meeting, Staub Hall
Wednesday (9-19)
- 11:00 - am - Prayer Group
- 11:00 & 12:00 - High School Luncheon
- 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Christmas Radio Show Auditions, Parlor
- 7:00 - pm - Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room
Thursday (9-20)
- 7:00 pm - TYC Bible Study
A congregational meeting will be held next Sunday, September 23. The purpose of the meeting is to elect members to the Nominating Committee and to change how we handle the position of Trustee in our church.
The Fellowship Committee is offering an opportunity to further develop our spiritual and physical selves. October 1-31 will be a time to spend two or three days a week walking with a small group of three people. Information and sign up sheets are available in the Narthex and Staub Hall. Sign up continues until September 25.