Bobby and Carrie B have been married for 13 years and have 2 daughters M age 11 and E age 10. Bobby grew up in Vernon and moved to Canyon, Texas for college. Carrie grew up in Portales, NM and met Bobby in Canyon. They moved to Vernon in Oct of 1997.
Bobby is a Financial Advisor at Edward Jones and Carrie is a homemaker. M is in Middle School in the 6th grade and E is at Shive in 5th grade. The girls are 11 months apart. They recently had Carrie's grandmother move in with them due to illness. Her name is Grace P.
The B family loves to travel. Their favorite vacations are going to the beach. They also love to go for walks. They like to walk to the church and take their dog, Colonel for walks. They also like going to the movies. Bobby, Carrie and E like to help M with her charity, Bibles for Hope, that she started in 2006. There is not much that they don't enjoy doing as long as it is together.